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Il Petrarcha


Place of Publication


Date of Publication
Mode of exegesis
Related to Petrarch's

RVF, Triumphi


Physical Description: Format

24°; *12, A-K12, A-B12, C6; [12], 108, [39] fols.

Physical Description: Textblock

paper; Petrarch’s poems and life in roman type; printed numbering; Petrarch’s poems printed with one verse per line and prose text.

Title Page

IL PETRARCHA || [printer’s mark] || Con la sua vita nuova- | mente aggiunta | M.D.XXXI.

Internal Description

*1r: title page;

*1v: blank;

*2r-*6v: alphabetical index of the first lines of RVF (under each letter of the alphabet, sonnets and canzoni are listed separately in order of appearance) (‘TAVOLA DE SON[ETTI] E DELE CANZ[ONI] DEL PET[RARCA] SON[ETTI]’);

*7r-*12v: [Alessandro Vellutello’s] life of Petrarch (‘VITA E COSTVMI DEL POETA’);

A1r-F6r: first part of RVF according to Vellutello’s division (ending with RVF 268);

F6r-H10v: second part of RVF according to Vellutello’s division (beginning with RVF 269);

H11r-I11r: third part of RVF according to Vellutello’s division (beginning with RVF 128);

I11v-K4v: Triumphus Fame Ia followed by Petrarch’s disperse (canzone ‘Quel c’ha nostra natura in se più degno’, sonnet ‘Anima doue sei? ch’ad hora ad hora’);

K4v-K5r: poems addressed to Petrarch by Jacopo de’ Caratori da Imola [actually Antonio da Ferrara’s] (‘O nouella Tarpea in cui s’asconde’), Pietro Dietisalvi (‘El bel occhio d’Apollo, del cui sguardo’); each poem is followed by Petrarch’s reply (‘Ingegno usato a le question profonde’, ‘Se Phoebo al primo amor non e bugiardo’);

K5r-K6r: Petrarch’s disperse (sonnets ‘Stato foss’io, quando la vidi prima’, ‘In ira a i ciel, al mondo, e a la gente’, ‘Sesotto legge Amor viuesse quella’, ‘Lasso com’io mi fidai ne gliocchi di colei’, ‘Quella che ’l mio giouenil cor auinse’);

K6r-K7v: poems addressed to Petrarch by Muzio Stramazzo da Perugia (‘La santa Fiamma de laqual son priue’), Sennuccio del Bene (‘Oltre l’usato modi si regira’), Geri Gianfigliazzi (‘Messer Francesco chi d’amor sospira’), Giacomo Colonna (‘Se le parti del corpo mio destrutte’), and Giovanni Dondi dall’Orologio (‘Io no[n] so ben s’io vedo quell, ch’io veggio’); the first, the third, the fourth, and the fifth followed, the second preceded by the first line of the poet’s reply accompanied by the page number where the poem is printed;

K7v-K10r: three canzoni by Guido Cavalcanti (‘Donna mi prega, perche voglio dire’), Dante Alighieri (‘Cosi nel mio parlar voglio esser aspro’), Cino da Pistoia (‘La dolce vita, e ’l bel guardo soave’); K10r: register;

K10v-K12v: blank;

A1r: title page: (‘Triomphi del Petrarca’);

A1v: blank;

A2r-C5r: Triumphi;

C5v: colophon followed by the printer’s mark: Qui finiscono le volgari opere del Petrarca, cio e i Son[etti] le Canz[oni], e i Triomphi Stampate in Vinegia p[er] Messer Bernardino Stagnino del mese di Febriaro L’annodel Signore Mille cinquecentotrent’uno;

C6r-C6v: blank.

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