Triumphi, RVF
folio; aa8, a-q8, A-M8, N5; [8], 148, 102 fols.
paper; Petrarch’s poems and commentary in roman type; printed numbering; some of Petrarch’s poems set on left in small block, with commentary distributed on three sides; some other of Petrarch’s poems set on both left and right in two horizontally aligned blocks, with commentary distributed across the page beneath each set of two blocks; four full-page woodcuts.
<inc> Descrive Misser Fra[n]cesco il sensitiuo dominio fingendo cupidine triu[m]phare de gli homini in questa forma zoe: che co[n]sidera[n]do li antichi Romani q[ua]lhora triu[m]phauano esser sopra di carri co[n]du-ti ai te[m]pli delli dii: doue se & le spoglie loro consecrauano: Cossi finge amore in prima sopra dun carro essere portato trio[n]pha[n]do p[er] il mu[n]do: & al fine co[n]dutti al tempio di la madre di Venere: logo ueramente a tal triu[m]phare acco[m]modato
First part
aa1r-aa1v: blank;
aa2rv-aa6v: index of notable matters for the Triumphi;
aa6v-aa7r: Ilicino’s dedicatory letter to Borso d’Este;
aa7r-aa8r: Ilicino’s preface to his commentary;
aa8v-q8r: Triumphi with commentary by Bernardo Ilicino. Before Triumphus Amoris, Pudicitie, Mortis and Fame there is a full-page woodcut (at fols. aa8v, c1v, f4v, and h3v respectively); while there is no illustration for Triumphus Temporis and Eternitatis;
q8r: register and colophon: Finit Petrarcha nuper summa diligentia a reuerendo. P[atre] ordinis minorum magistro Gabriele bruno ueneto terrae sanctae ministro emendatus anno domini. M.cccc.lxxxxii. die.xii. Ianuarii;
q8v: blank;
Second part
A1r: index of notable matters for the RVF;
A1v: Filelfo’s dedicatory letter to Filippo Maria Visconti;
A2r-N5v: RVF 1-135 with Filelfo’s commentary, followed by RVF 136 with Filelfo’s and Squarciafico’s commentaries, followed by RVF 137-366 with Squarciafico’s commentary. No explicit mention is made of the fact that the commentator changes in the text. Squarciafico’s name is only mentioned in the explicit of his commentary;
N5v: register and colophon: Finisse gli sonetti di Misser Francescho Petrarcha coreti & castigati per me[sser] Hieronymo Centone Padouano. Impressi in Venetia per Ioanne di co de ca da Parma. Nel M.CCCC.LXXXXIII. Adi.xxviii.de marzo Regnante lo inclito & glorioso principe Augustino Barbadico.
Copy Seen
British Library
United Kingdom
In the British Library copy, before the woodcut for the Triumphus Amoris, there are some fols. with further paratextual material (presumably Ilicino’s dedicatory letter to Borso d’Este [<inc> Ad Illustrissimum Mutinae Ducem Diuum Borsium estensem]) that have been cut off. The last fol. of this dedicatory letter (<inc> inesa cita de Auignone sopra il roda[n]o doue alhora dimoraua la corte roma[na] p[er] piu te[m]po si riposo; <exp> Assumendo adunque il principio del primo triumpho el quale cosi parla) – which was printed on the recto of the fol. that has the woodcut for the Triumphus Amoris on its verso – has been covered with a blank fol. Fols. o3 and p7 of part one and H2 of part two are missing.