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[Triumphi with Ilicino’s commentary and RVF with Filelfo’s and Squarciafico’s commentaries]


Place of Publication


Date of Publication
Mode of exegesis
Related to Petrarch's

Triumphi, RVF


Physical Description: Format

folio; aa8, a-q8, A-L8, M10; [8], 128, 102 fols.

Physical Description: Textblock

paper; Petrarch’s poems and commentary in roman type; printed numbering; some of Petrarch’s poems set on left in small block, with commentary distributed on three sides; some other of Petrarch’s poems set on both left and right in two horizontally aligned blocks, with commentary distributed across the page beneath each set of two blocks; six full-page woodcuts.

Visual Elements
Title Page

<inc> PER informatione & dechiaratione di questa tabula questo sie lo ordine suo che chi uuole trouare qualche cosa contenuta in dicta tabula guardi in fine della linea de la chosa chel cerca & quello numero li notato significa el numero de le charte doue e la chosa cercata

Internal Description

First part
aa1r-aa1v: blank;
aa2r-aa6v: index of notable matters for the Triumphi;
aa6v-aa7r: Ilicino’s dedicatory letter to Borso d’Este;
aa7r-aa8r: Ilicino’s prologue to his commentary;
aa8v-q8r: Triumphi with Ilicino’s commentary; each triumph is preceded by a full-page woodcut: Triumphus Amoris (aa8v), Pudicitie (e2v), Mortis (f5v), Fame (h4v), Temporis (o6v), Eternitatis (p7v); q8r: register and colophon: Finit Petrarca nuper summa diligentia a reuerendo.p[atre].ordinis minorum magistro Gabriele bruno ueneto terre sanctae ministro emendatus Impressum Venetiis per Bartholameum de Zanis de Perresio anno domini.1497.die.xi.Iulius;
q8v: blank;
Second part
A1r: index of notable matters for RVF;
A1v: Filelfo’s dedicatory letter to Filippo Maria Visconti;
A2r-M9v: RVF 1-135 with Filelfo’s commentary, followed by RVF 136 with Filelfo’s and Squarciafico’s commentaries, followed by RVF 137-366 with Squarciafico’s commentary. G8r: explicit mention of the fact that the commentator changes: ‘SEGVITA la interpretatione di Hyeronimo Squarzafico Alexandrino sopra el resto della presente opera’;
M9v: register and colophon: Finisse gli sonetti di Misser Francescho Petrarcha coreti & castigati per me[sser] Hieronymo Ce[n]tone Padouano. Impressi in Venetia per Bartholomaio de Zani da Portese Nel 1497 Adi 30 Agosto Regnante lo inclito & glorioso principe Augustino Barbadico;
M10r-M10v: blank.

Copy Seen


Fondation Barbier-Mueller

PETR. 12
Copy seen by

British Library
United Kingdom

Copy seen by

In the Munich copy (see digitized copy 1), before the Triumphi there is a hand-written Latin life of Petrarch by a humanistic hand (<inc> Franciscus Petrarcha natione etruscus religiosus devotissimus et philosophus ac poeta sui tempis [sic] clarissimus; <exp> multo splendore fulgentes ac ingenti suauitate redolentes) and the three-line Latin epitaph for Petrarch (‘Frigida francisci lapis hic tegit ossa petrarce’).
In the British Library copy, there are some handwritten annotations on a few RVF poems (at fol. q8v).
In the Barbier-Mueller copy, there are many underlinings and handwritten marginal annotations to the Triumphi (almost all referring to characters mentioned in the poems).