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[RVF and Triumphi – with index]


Current Location

Wellesley College Library
Wellesley, MA
United States

Plimpton 485
fifteenth century
Mode of exegesis
Related to Petrarch's

RVF, Triumphi + Fame Ia and Mortis Ia


Physical Description: Format

243x157 mm; I + 184 + III fols.

Physical Description: Textblock

parchment; humanistic script; Petrarch’s poems with one verse per line; one architectural frame and decorated initials.

Visual Elements
Title Page

<inc> Tabula francisci petrarce

Internal Description

fol. 1r-1v: blank;
fols. 2r-5v: alphabetical index of the first lines of RVF poems in two columns (under each letter of the alphabet, poems are listed in order of appearance) (‘Tabula francisci petrarce’);
fol. 6r-6v: blank;
fols. 7r-147r: RVF and some disperse (the final poem, i.e. RVF 366, is indicated as poem 373);
fols. 147v-184v: Triumphi (order: Mortis II, Fame Ia, Amoris II, Amoris I, Amoris III, Amoris IV, Pudicitie, Mortis Ia, Mortis I, Fame I, Fame II, Fame III, Temporis, Eternitatis);
fol. 184v: colophon: finis; followed by a note by a similar hand (‘Quid no[n] mortalia pectora cogis auri sacra fames’);
fol. 184v: a sonnet, by a different humanistic hand, about the donation of this ms. by a Benedectine monk to a library (‘Sonetto’, ‘Cassinense decan benedettino | io professo di san giorgio maggiore | tita [sic] Meratti titular lettore | d’onori astemio, in borsa capucino | un codice che tengo del diuino | petrarca degno d’ogni gran signore | a questa libreria mi fo l’onore | di dare auanti che lo dia il destino. | Deh non cantate in simoniaco tuono | ne cangiate il sonetto in rea canzone | io sproprio feci, e di simon non sono. | Costantin roma die per diuozione | io questi uersi, acciò sia certo il dono | scriuo la carta della donazione’);
fol. 184v: colophon: finis.

Material Copy


Wellesley College Library
Wellesley, MA
United States

Plimpton 485
Copy seen by

Decorated initials in gold for RVF 1 (fol. 7r) and Triumphus Mortis II (fol. 147v); coloured initial (often in gold) for all the other RVF poems and capitoli of the Triumphi; at fol. 7r is an architectural frame and at its bottom is a coat of arms surrounded by two angels.
Before every RVF poem is a running number written in red.
RVF 136-138 (fols. 68v-69r) are crossed out by pen but still partially legible.


Dutschke 1986, 272-75 (n. 120); Ullman 1964, 465 (n. 86)