Museo Civico Correr
RVF, Triumphi + Fame Ia
312x226 mm; II + 96 fols.
parchment; semi-gothic hand; RVF poems with two verses per line, Triumphi with one verse per line; one architectural frame, historiated and decorated initials.
<inc> Uoichascoltate inrime sparse ilsono (fol. 1r)
fol. Ir: scattered words by a later hand;
fol. Iv: a paragraph on the Triumphi by a different sixteenth-century hand (<inc> La intentione delauctore circha lamateria deli triumphi sie de exalter madona Laura q[uan]to dalauertu de la castitade. Ep[er] tanto lo primo triumpho dice ch[e] lamore uince ogno huomo et 2° triumpho si dice ch[e] madona Laura uinse lamore; <exp> el 5to del tempo elq[u]al p[er] longeza obscura la fama. El ses[t]o sie ch[e] auegna ch[e] tempo labia obscurata el uidicio [sic];
fol. IIr: four lines by a different later hand (<inc> Se tutj j mej prjmj anj aparte aparte);
fol. IIv: partial index of the first lines of RVF sonnets in order of appearance (‘Tabula de soneti’);
fols. 1r-74r: RVF and some disperse [and some sonnets attributed to Petrarch] (the final poem, i.e. the sonnet ‘Un clima un zudiago un orizone’, which comes after RVF 366, is n. 413 [numbers are added by a modern hand]);
fol. 74v: blank;
fols. 75r-96v: Triumphi (order: Mortis II, Fame Ia, Amoris II, Amoris I, Amoris III, Amoris IV, Pudicitie, Mortis I, Fame I, Fame II, Fame III, Temporis, Eternitatis.1-42).
Material Copy
Museo Civico Correr
At fol. 30r-30v, RVF 136-138 have been crossed out by pen.
Historiated initial for RVF 1 showing Petrarch sitting at a desk (fol. 1r); decorated initials (some in gold) for most of RVF poems; decorated initials for the beginning of each Triumphus (except Triumphus Mortis II) and each subsequent capitolo; at fol. 1r is an architectural frame.
The last fols. (with Triumphus Eternitatis.43-145) are missing.
Pulsoni 2007; Urbani 1874, 1