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[Selection of RVF poems with Bruni’s life of Petrarch]


Current Location

Biblioteca Vallicelliana

F 93
fifteenth / sixteenth century (second half of fifteenth century for fols. 341-442)
Mode of exegesis
Related to Petrarch's

RVF 1, 137-366


Physical Description: Format

216x147 mm, III + 432 (numbered 1-442) fols.

Physical Description: Textblock

paper; various scripts (for sections related to Petrarch: humanistic script for Petrarch’s poems and sixteenth-century hand for minor marginal devotional notes and colophons); Petrarch’s poems with one verse per line and prose texts.

Title Page

‘Vita petrarce’ (fol. 341r)

Internal Description

fols. 341r-345r: [Leonardo Bruni’s] life of Petrarch (Vita petrarce’; <inc> FRancesco petrarcha homo di grande ingegnio E non di men uertu; <exp> morto ilpetrarcha lemuse sue ritent [sic] equasi deredita fusucesione [sic] Rimase adunq[ue] albochacio e in lui ui risedete la fama di poetici studi e fu sucesione anchora nel tenpo pero che quando elpetrarcha mori era Uocacio [sic] di minor eta di luj de anni ix ecosi per sucesione Andarono lemuse. finis);
fol. 345r: colophon: Finis Vite Francisci petrarcie [sic];
fol. 346r-346v: Petrarch’s note on Laura (<inc> Laura proprijs Virtutibus illustris & meis longum celebrata carminibus; <exp> inespectatos exitus . acriter ac uiriliter cogitanti);
fol. 346v: colophon: DEO GRATIAS AMEN TΕLOS;
fols. 346v-441r: RVF 1, 137-142.13, 144.6-161, 158, 162-242, 121, 243-263, 265-335, 337-339, 342, 340, 351-354, 359, 341, 343, 356, 344-349, 357-358, 360-366;
fol. 441r: colophon: FINIS DEO GRA[TIA]S AMEN, followed by scattered words;
Other contents:
fol. IIr: title page penned by a later hand: ‘VARIORVM AVCTORVM OPERA Quorum Indicem exhibet sequens Pagina’;
fol. IIv: blank;
fol. IIIr: index of contents of the ms. penned by a later hand;
fols. IIIv-1r: blank;
fols. 1v-41v: Giovanni Sulpizio da Veroli’s Iudicium Dei supremu[m] de vivis & mortuis: Opus Sulpitianum (Rome: Silber, 1506);
fols. 42r-109r: [Pietro Curialti’s] book of medicine followed by index of contents at fols. 108v-109r (<inc> Depilatoriu[m] nob[i]le mu[n]dinj disolue mastic[ation]e; <exp> et cere q[ua]m suffi[ci]t fiat ung[uen]t[u]m);
fol. 109v: blank;
fols. 110r-116v: Latin prose text on fever (‘Incipit de febribus’; <inc> Ebritudo acuta e[s]t phy. uobit q[uia] tria regint [sic]; <exp> i[n] loco cal[id]o sudorem prouocat);
fols. 117r-129r: [Avicenna’s] ‘De lebra’ (<inc> Lebra e[st] i[n]firmitas mala p[re]cie[†††]; <exp> u[e]l ulce[re] sordido [††] no[n] sordido);
fols. 129r-143r: Latin medical treatise followed by subject index at fol. 144v (‘De percussio[ne] capi[ti]s cum fract[ur]a cranei’; <inc> Cvm q[ui]s p[er]cutit[ur] i[n] capi[t]e cu[m] lapi[d]e u[e]l aliq[u]o alio; <exp> bis in die ponatur ut dicendum est);
fols. 145r-150r: [Pietro Curialti’s] treatise on plague (‘Co[n]siliu[m] de feb[re] pestilentiali’; <inc> Ait Gal[enus] p[rimo] de inge[n]io [e]ss[e] fine[m]; <exp> et tot[us] tractat[us] ordinatus);
fols. 150r-157v: series of short vernacular and Latin writings (for a detailed list see Manus);
fols. 289r-293r: Lodrisio Crivelli’s Latin poem (‘LEODRISVS CRIBELLVS AD POLIMNIA[M] MVSAM IN LAVDEM PIENTIE JN CIVITATIS’; <inc> Vsa [sic] tuus nobis memora decus ordine lume[n]; <exp of poem – followed by the date> C[†]oge & hinc magnos forsitan ire lacus);
fols. 293v-295v: series of brief Latin writings (for a detailed list see Manus);
fols. 296r-340v: Albius Tibullus’s Elegies (<inc> DIVITIAS ALIUS FULVO SIBI COGERAT AVRO; <exp> hoc solle[m]ne sacru[m] multos h[aec] sum[m]et i[n] an[n]os);
fols. 345r-346r: two sonnets by anonymous autor (‘Si dentro del mio cor depinto porto’, ‘O felice auctore seconda fama’);
fols. 441v-442v: alphabetical list of words with similar endings.

Material Copy


Biblioteca Vallicelliana

F 93
Copy seen by

This ms. is composed of three main units, corresponding to fols. 1-156; 157-340; 341-442; the third one, presenting Petrarch’s poems, was owned by Philip Neri (as indicated also in the note of possession at fol. 341r: ‘R. P. N. Philippi’).
This ms. shows a rather unusual version of Bruni’s life of Petrarch provided with a different ending. This version appears also, among others, in mss. Ashb. 443 of the Biblioteca Medica Laurenziana of Florence and in ms. 2518/7 of the Biblioteca della Fondazione Giorgio Cini of Venice.
At fol. 441, below the colophon a sixteenth-century cursive hand (different from the one of the main copyist) notes ‘Marcum Zantani scripsit’.
Entry compiled on the basis of microfilm CNSM.POS 1155 of the Centro Nazionale per lo Studio del Manoscritto (Rome, Biblioteca Nazionale Centrale Vittorio Emanuele II).


Iter, II, 133b; Narducci 1874, 35-36