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[Triumphi and RVF – with index]


Current Location

British Library
United Kingdom

Harley 5761
last quarter of the fifteenth century
Mode of exegesis
Related to Petrarch's

RVF, Triumphi + Mortis Ia and Fame Ia


Physical Description: Format

141x77 mm; III + 195 + III fols.

Physical Description: Textblock

parchment; humanistic script; Petrarch’s poems with one verse per line; seven small illuminations, seven architectural frames, decorated and historiated initials.

Visual Elements
Title Page

<inc> A Pie de colli ue la bella uesta

Internal Description

fols. 1r-7v: alphabetical index of the first lines of RVF poems (under each letter of the alphabet, poems are listed according to order of appearance);
fol. 8r-10r: blank;
fol. 10v: title (‘FRANCIS | CI PETRARCE | FLORENTINI AC | LAVREATI POETE | TRIVMPHVS AM | ORIS FOELICI | TER INCI | PIT’) within an illuminated gold circle;
fols. 11r-52v: Triumphi (order: Amoris I, Amoris III, Amoris IV, Amoris II, Pudicitie, Mortis Ia, Mortis I, Mortis II, Fame Ia, Fame I, Fame II, Fame III, Temporis, Eternitatis); at the bottom of each fol. with the beginning of each Triumphus is either an oval or rectangular illumination representing it: Amoris I (fol. 11r); Pudicitie (fol. 24r), Mortis I (fol. 29r), Fame Ia (fol. 36r), Temporis (fol. 47r), and Eternitatis (fol. 50r);
fol. 52v: colophon: Finis;
fols. 53r-54v: blank;
fols. 55r-195r: RVF;
fol. 195r: colophon: Finis; below which is RVF 366.131-137, copied a second time by a similar humanistic hand;
fol. 195v: blank.

Material Copy


British Library
United Kingdom

Harley 5761
Copy seen by

Historiated initials in gold for the beginning of each Triumphus (at fols. 11r, 24r, 29r, 36r, 47r, and 50r), four subsequent capitoli (Triumphus Amoris IV [fol. 17r], Mortis Ia [fol. 27r], Mortis II [fol. 32r], and Fame I [fol. 38v]), and RVF 1 (fol. 55r); decorated initials in gold for the other capitoli of the Triumphi and all the other RVF poems; initials in gold or blue for every tercet of every capitolo; in all the fols. with the beginning of each Triumphus is an architectural frame with a small oval or rectangular illumination (at the bottom of the fol.) representing the Triumphus; at fol. 55r is another architectural frame with an oval illumination (representing Petrarch bowing on a lawn) at the bottom of the fol.


Harl. Mss 1808, III, 294; Mann 1975, 306-08
D’Ancona 1914, II 428