Biblioteca Medicea Laurenziana
Triumphus Amoris I, III, IV, Pudicitie, Mortis Ia, Mortis I, Mortis II, Fame Ia
210x138 mm; II + 11 + 139 + 12 + II fols.
paper; cursive humanistic script; section of each capitolo (in red ink) set on left and followed by commentary (in black ink) distributed across the page beneath it. Triumphi with one verse per line.
<inc> [I]ncomincia ellibro chiamato trionpho damore fatto & chonposto p[er]lo excellentissimo poeta messer franciescho petrarcha da firenze
fol. 11r: notes of possession (‘Questo libro e dim[esser] Ldonardo [sic] figluolo [sic] de [†]ffin pagholo’; ‘Questo libro e di Daniello da Bagnani’);
fol.11v: blank;
fol. 1r: introductory paragraph of Pseudo-Filelfo’s commentary (<inc> [I]ncomincia ellibro chiamato trionpho damore fatto & chonposto p[er]lo excellentissimo poeta messer franciescho petrarcha da firenze & p[er] amore di m[adonn]a laura elquallibro e distinto in chapitoli dodicj; <exp> cosi huomini chome donne anno trionfato ponendo inalchuni diquelli laloro felicita);
fols. 1r-2v: Pseudo-Filelfo’s prologue to his commentary (<inc> [L]o primo trionfo ouero felicita fu i[n]amore posessione ouero chontentamento nello amore della sua i[n]namorata; <exp> el qual dio trionfando sopra dognj chosa e massime sopra deltenpo verra nella fine delmondo a iudichare liuiuj elli mortj cioe esso yh[es]u xp[ist]o figluolo didio padre deloquale suo gudicio [sic] nel vj° trionfo si fara menzione);
fols. 2v-40v: Triumphus Amoris I, III.1-108, IV.10-102, Pudicitie.1-18 with Pseudo-Filelfo’s commentary (<inc of commentary> Nel primo trionfo dello amore cioe desso chupido dice lo chomentatore ouero glosatore sia i[n]chominciando sopra altesto dello autore che diceva chosi circha elprincipio; <exp of commentary> e chosi inuano eauno fallacie fine e p[er]duto luomo sostiene freddi chaldi fame vig);
fols. 41r-74v: Triumphi (order: Amoris I, III, IV, II, Pudicitie, Mortis Ia, Mortis I, Fame Ia, Fame I.1-40, Mortis II + Fame I.41-130, Fame II, Fame III, Temporis, Eternitatis);
fols. 75r-134v: Triumphus Pudicitie.19-193, Mortis Ia.1-3 (labelled as ‘secondo chapitolo della pudicitia’), Mortis I.19-120, Mortis II, Fame Ia.1-33 with Pseudo-Filelfo’s commentary (<inc> gilie [last part of the word written at the end of fol. 40v] grandi affanni eanghustie delle quali lo huomo volontariamente si incharicha; <exp> iquali schontrandosi co[n] lelancie sipassorno amendue [sic] e caddono morti cosi questo brutto p[er] amore [the sentence is left unfinished]);
fol. 135r: the final sentences of Pseudo-Filelfo’s commentary on Triumphus Fame Ia.60 (<inc> Questo filo fu della plebe chome edetti e p[er] sua uirtu fu fatto co[n]solo; <exp> p[er]loro uirtu nellarme furono fatti alti e gentili);
fols. 135v-136r: blank;
fols. 136v-139v: Bruni’s life of Petrarch (<inc>[F]rancescho petrarcha huomo di grande ingengio edi no[n] dimeno uirtu naque inarezzo nelborgo dillorto; <exp> ilpetrarcha adunque est quello che per dota singhulare et nelluno [the sentence is left unfinished]);
fol. 12r-12v: blank.
Material Copy
Biblioteca Medicea Laurenziana
Two fols. are missing in the ms. (numeration remains unchanged): 1) a fol. after fol. 134, where the missing section of Pseudo-Filelfo’s commentary on Triumphus Fame Ia.33-59 was presumably written; and 2) a fol. after fol. 136, where the last few sentences of Bruni’s life of Petrarch were written.
Some mistakes were probably made while rebinding the ms., because Pseudo-Filelfo’s commentary is split into two halves (fols. 1-40 and 75-135) between which the quires containing the capitoli of the Triumphi have been placed (fols. 41-74). This is not signaled in the ms.
Fols. 137 and 138 are inverted. This is signaled by three hand-written notes by a sixteenth-century hand, different from the one that wrote the ms., at the bottom of fols. 136v, 137v, and 138v.
In the margins of the fols. for the capitoli of the Triumphi, there are scattered annotations by a different later hand (presumably a sixteenth-century one), pointing out the names of the characters mentioned by Petrarch.
Iter, I, 80a; Fratini-Zamponi 2004
Guerrini Ferri 2006, 183