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[Triumphus Fame Ia with Bracciolini’s commentary and anonymous annotations]


Current Location

Cornell University Library
Ithaca, NY
United States

Archives 4648 Bd. Ms. 37
fifteenth century
Mode of exegesis
Related to Petrarch's

Triumphus Fame Ia


Physical Description: Format

282x198 mm; I + 101 + I fols.

Physical Description: Textblock

paper; humanistic script; first part of the capitolo (in red ink) followed by commentary (in black ink) and then small sections of Petrarch’s poem set on left (in red ink) with commentary (in black ink) distributed across the page beneath each of them, and annotations irregularly distributed on the sides.

Title Page

Iacopo di Messer Poggio a Lorenzo di Piero di Cosimo de Medici sopra eltriompho della fama di M[esser] F[rancesco] Petrar[ca]. Prohemio

Internal Description

fols. 1r-2v: Bracciolini’s dedicatory letter to Lorenzo de’ Medici (‘Iacopo di Messer Poggio a Lorenzo di Piero di Cosimo de Medici sopra eltriompho della fama di M[esser] F[rancesco] Petrar[ca]. Prohemio’, <inc> [C]o[m]mune e opinione Magnifico Lorenzo gli huomini antichi esser prudenti et sauij pella lunga experientia delle cose uedute da loro; <exp> mi mettero a nauigare in alto mare: sperando con prospera fortuna condurmi in porto hauendo te per capitano et gouernatore);
fols. 2v-3r: Triumphus Fame Ia.1-24;
fol. 3r: colophon: Laus Deo;
fols. 3r-101v: Triumphus Fame Ia.25-163 with annotations and Bracciolini’s commentary (<inc> [I]l populo romano superiore perle sue singulari et immense uirtu a tutti glingegni de gli scriptori conoscendo niuna cosa esser piu accepta e grata agli huomini che la uictoria; <exp> consumata la uita sua Carlo in Aquisgrana citta presso al Rheno mori in eta danni Lxxij negli annj di Xr[ist]o 815 e del suo imperio 47 con gra[n]dissima gloria e beniuolentia in audita de suoi populi);
fol. 101v: colophon: Finis.

Material Copy


Cornell University Library
Ithaca, NY
United States

Archives 4648 Bd. Ms. 37
Copy seen by

Marginal annotations by the same hand either refer to the name of the characters mentioned in the texts, or give brief summaries of some passages; some maniculae.
At fol. 101v, below the colophon is an annotation by a different hand: ‘Iste liber est mag[nifi]corum d[o]m[ino]rum hered[um] q[uonda]m mag[nifi]ci d[o]m[in]i nicollaj scarampi etc’.


Dutschke 1986, 137-38 (n° 50); Iter, II, 264a; Ullman 1964, 454 (n° 37)