Biblioteca Nazionale Centrale
216x125 mm; II + 154 + II fols.
paper; round sixteenth-century script; Petrarch’s poems with one verse per line; decorated initials.
<inc> Adpie de collidoue
fol. Ir-Iv: blank;
fol. IIr: some faded words;
fol. IIv: blank;
fol. 1r: some erased words;
fols. 1v-7v: alphabetical index of the first lines of RVF poems (under each letter of the alphabet, poems are listed in order of appearance);
fols. 8r-12r: blank;
fols. 12v: one faded word;
fol. 13r: ‘Publij [sic] Francisci Petrarcae poete clarissi[m]i laureate carmen secular foeliciter incipit;
fols. 13r-152r: RVF;
fol. 152r: colophon: finis;
fol. 153r-153v: Petrarch’s note on Laura (<inc> Laura propriis uirtutib[u]s illustris et meis longum celebrata carminib[u]s; <exp> in expectatos rerum exitus acriter ac virili[ter] cogitantur [sic]);
fol. 153v: colophon: Vale & me vt soles ama et amicos n[ost]ros meo no[mi]ne salutatos. vs te[r]t[io] nouemb[ris];
fol. 154r-154v: blank.
Material Copy
Biblioteca Nazionale Centrale
Scattered marginal annotations by the same hand either refer to names mentioned in the poems, or signal misplaced lines; throughout the ms., vertical strokes close to the end of the lines highlight certain passages.
Decorated initial for RVF 1 (fol. 13r); there is a running header for each RVF poem.
CPR, 73-74