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[Triumphi with Ilicino’s commentary]


Current Location

Biblioteca Estense Universitaria

alpha H.3.2
fifteenth century
Mode of exegesis
Related to Petrarch's

Triumphi + Fame Ia and Mortis Ia



Physical Description: Format

338x232 mm; I + 180 + I fols.

Physical Description: Textblock

paper; humanistic script; small sections of Petrarch’s poems set on left (in black ink), with commentary (in black ink) distributed across the page beneath each of them; quotations of other texts (both authorities and cross reference to Petrarch) in Ilicino’s commentary underlined in red; decorated initial.

Visual Elements
Title Page

<inc> Ad Illustrissimu[m] Mutine Ducem Diuum Borsium estens[e]m B[er]nardi glicini Medicine ac p[hilosoph]ie discipulj in triumphos Cl[arissimi] p[oetae] fr[ancisci] petrarce expositio incipit

Internal Description

fol. 1r-1v: Ilicino’s dedicatory letter to Borso d’Este (‘Ad Illustrissimu[m] Mutine Ducem Diuum Borsium estens[e]m B[er]nardi glicini Medicine ac p[hilosoph]ie discipulj in triumphos Cl[arissimi] p[oetae] fr[ancisci] petrarce expositio incipit’, <inc> Publio Cornelio Scipione illustri[ssi]mo prencipe nissuna magiore victoria o piu singulare triumpho essere diffiniua, ch[e] semedesimo venciare [sic] in quelle cose le quali dallo appetito sensitiuo erano desiderate; <exp> trovarra pure almeno una sincerita di fede di Me suo seruo con uno ardentissimo desiderio di quella sempre vedere et intendare [sic] felice nel nostro Seculo et Beata in futuro);
fols. 1v-180v: Triumphi (order: Amoris I, Amoris III, Amoris IV, Amoris II, Pudicitie, Mortis Ia+I.4-172, Mortis II, Fame Ia.1-22+first half of Fame Ia.23+second half of Fame I.23+Fame I.24-130, Fame II, Fame III, Temporis, Eternitatis) with Ilicino’s commentary (<inc of commentary> [U]niuersale sententia e et dagli antichi et optimi expositori aprouata douersi in ne principij de libri piu cose diligentemente considerare; <exp of commentary> La do[n]de ilustrissimo pre[n]cipe q[ue]sto sipuo ciascuno p[er]suadere ch[e] queste mie vigilie leggiera che nessuna altra cosa aq[ue]lle componare [sic] mi indusse ch[e] demostrare amore inverso del poeta tollere fatiga amoltj ch[e] diluj si dilectano et atua ilustrissima signoria demostrare fede s[er]uitu et deditione laquale jo dseidero et prego ch[e] sia felice sico[n]do lauolonta tua et di chi piu te ama disidera et adop[er]a mantenerti ingloria p[er] infinita secula seculor[um]. amen);
fol. 180v: colophon: Finis Laus deo marieq[ue] matrj;
fol. 297v: blank.

Material Copy


Biblioteca Estense Universitaria

alpha H.3.2
Copy seen by

Scattered marginal annotations by the same hand (in red ink) point out the names mentioned in the texts.
Decorated initial for Ilicino’s dedicatory letter (fol. 1r); at the bottom of fol. 1r is a coat of arms of the Este family within a wreath; a few maniculae.


Iter, I, 375b (with reference to mistaken shelfmark: alpha H.3.9)