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[Triumphi and selection of RVF poems]


Current Location

Bodleian Library
United Kingdom

Canonici Ital. 80
Mode of exegesis
Related to Petrarch's

RVF 23, 28, 37, 72, 105, 119, 128, 264, 270, 325, 360, and 366, Triumphi + Fame Ia


Physical Description: Format

215x145 mm; I + 72 + II fols.

Physical Description: Textblock

paper; mercantesca (two hands: hand 1 wrote fols. 1-43; hand 2 fols. 44-72); Petrarch’s poems with one verse per line and prose texts; one architectural frame, historiated and decorated initials.

Visual Elements
Title Page

<inc> La notte ch[e] seguj loribil chaso

Internal Description

fols. 1r-43r: Triumphi (order: Mortis II, Fame Ia.1-147, Amoris II.178-187, Amoris I.1-39, Fame Ia.148-163, Amoris II.1-33, Amoris II.82-177, Amoris I.40-160, Amoris III, Amoris IV, Pudicitie, Mortis I, Fame I, Fame II, Fame III, Temporis, Eternitatis);
fol. 43r: colophon: finis adi 29 lujo a M iiijc xxx j in Va;
fol. 43v: blank;
fol. 44r: short summary of the Triumphi (‘D[o]m[inu]s franciscus petrarcha laureatus poeta hec triumphos edidit’, <inc> Primu[m] uero triumphat i[n] uirtute[m]; <exp> Sexto u[er]o triumphus triumphat fama[m]);
fol. 44r: three-line Latin epitaph for Petrarch (‘Epitaphiu[m] d[omini] f[rancisci] petrarcha ab eo conditu[m]’, <inc> Frigida fra[n]cisci lapis hic tegit ossa petrarce);
fol. 44r: biographical note about Petrarch’s death (‘D[omi]n[u]s f[ranciscus] petrarcha defunctus est an[n]o etatis sue LXX. Anno d[omi]ni MiiicLxxiiij, die viiij julij in uilla uulgarit[er] dicta Arqua distante a Patauina urbe p[er] milliaria .x. inter mo[n]tes Euganeos’);
fol. 44v: blank;
fols. 45r-72v: twelve canzoni from the RVF (i.e. RVF 23, 28, 37, 72, 105, 119, 128, 264, 270, 325, 360, and 366) (‘Cantinele [sic] d[omini] f[rancisci] p[etrarcae]’).

Material Copy


Bodleian Library
United Kingdom

Canonici Ital. 80
Copy seen by

Occasional marginal annotations by the same hand provide missing lines; some maniculae and passages highlighted by vertical strokes close to the end of the lines.
Fol. 8 (with Triumphus Amoris II.178-187 and Amoris I.1-39) has been wrongly bound (numeration remains unchanged) and should be placed after fol. 11; a fol. (with Triumphus Amoris II.34-81) is missing (numeration remains unchanged).
Historiated initial for Triumphus Mortis II showing Petrarch sitting and holding his cheek against his hand (fol. 1r); decorated initials in gold for the beginning of each Triumphus and each subsequent capitolo; at fol. 1r is an architectural frame.


Mann 1975, 413-15; Mortara 1864, 96-97; Pächt and Alexander, II, 47