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Il Petrarca. Sonetti, Canzoni, et Trionfi di m[esser] Francesco Petrarca di nvovo corretto et ristampato


Place of Publication


Date of Publication
Mode of exegesis
Related to Petrarch's

RVF, Triumphi + Fame Ia



Physical Description: Format

8o; a8, A8-Z8, a8-n8; [8], 280, [8] fols.

Physical Description: Textblock

paper; Petrarch’s poems and commentary in italic type; printed numbering; Petrarch’s poems printed with one verse per line, with commentary distributed across the page beneath each poem.

Title Page

IL PETRARCA. | SONETTI, | CANZONI, ET | TRIONFI | DI M[ESSER] FRANCESCO PETRARCA | DI NVOVO CORRETTO | ET RISTAMPATO. | [printer’s mark] | In Venetia appresso Francesco Ram- | pazetto. M. D. LVII.

Internal Description

a1r: title page;
a1v: blank;
a2r-a7v: index of commented words used by Petrarch (‘Tavola di tvtti i vocaboli detti, & prouerbi toscani dichiarati ne luoghi loro alle carte segnate’);
a8r-a8v: [Antonio Brucioli’s] dedicatory letter to Lucrezia d’Este (‘Alla illvstrissima, et eccellentiss[ima] signora, la signora Lvcretia da Este’);
A1r-Y8r: RVF 1-266 with [Brucioli’s] commentary;
Y8r-g5v: RVF 267-366 with [Brucioli’s] commentary (‘Sonnetti [sic] et canzoni di messer Francesco Petrarca in morte di Madonna Lavra’);
g6r-m1v: Triumphi with [Brucioli’s] commentary (‘I Triomphi di m[esser] Francesco Petrarca. Del Triompho, d’Amore’);
m2r-m4v: Triumphus Fame Ia (‘Capitolo, canzoni, et sonetti del medesimo nuouamente trouati. Capitolo di m[esser] F[rancesco] P[etrarca]’; <inc> Nel cor pien d’amarissima dolcezza);
m5r-m8v: Petrarch’s disperse (canzone ‘Qvel ch’a nostra natura in se piu degno’, sonnets ‘Anima doue sei? Ch’adhora ad hora’, ‘Ingegno usato alle question profonde’, ‘Stato foss’io, quando la uidi prima’, ‘In ira a i cieli, al mondo, & alla gente’, ‘Se sotto legge Amor uiuesse quella’, ‘Lasso com’io fui mal proueduto’, and ‘Quella, che ’l giouenil mio cor auuinse’);
n1r-n7v: alphabetical index of the first lines of RVF (under each letter of the alphabet, poems are listed in order of appearance) (‘Incomincia la tavola’);
n7v: index of the first lines of the capitoli of the Triumphi in order of appearance;
n8r: colophon: In Venetia per Francesco Rampazetto. M. D. LVII.;
n8v: blank.

Copy Seen


Biblioteca Nazionale Centrale

SALA FARN. 41. E 100
Copy seen by
Francesco Venturi,
Lorenzo Sacchini

Brucioli’s commentary provides a summary of the meaning of the poems and a clarification of their literal sense. Canzoni are accompanied by longer, stanza-by-stanza, expositions. Normally, the last few lines of the commentary illustrate the meaning of some difficult words identified in the initial index (at fols. a2r-a7v) by offering more easily understandable synonyms.
In the Neapolitan copy, RVF 136-138 are erased by ink.


Belloni 1986a, 36; Dalmas 2008; Kennedy 1994, 3, 10, 21, 33, 47, 68, 80, 101, 133, 141, 170-71, 176-77, 182, 187, 194, 225-26, 237, 249, 268, 274, 282