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[Castelvetro’s commentary on RVF 2]


Current Location

Bibliothèque nationale de France

Dupuy 843
sixteenth / seventeenth century
Mode of exegesis
Related to Petrarch's



Physical Description: Format

364x252 mm; 250 fols.

Physical Description: Textblock

paper; several sixteenth-century hands; prose text and a diagram (fol. 39v).

Title Page

<inc> Per la imitatione. Imitar no[n] è altro che rappresentar con l’opra n[ost]ra alcuna cosa senza rubar parte material da lei (fol. 238r)

Internal Description

fols. 238r-239r: fragment of Castelvetro’s commentary on RVF (<inc> Per la imitatione. Imitar no[n] è altro che rappresentar con l’opra n[ost]ra alcuna cosa senza rubar parte material da lei; <exp> dimostra perche alhora no[n] si puote di lej seruir, l’ultimo terzetto è che per ricorre ad una obiettione);
fol. 239v: a diagram of the structure of the sonnet with reference to the actions of Cupid described in the poem; followed by some notes on the words ‘arco’ and ‘riprese’ (RVF 2.3) (<inc> l’ARCO. attribuisce ad Amor l’arco secondo il costume degli antichi poeti; <exp> ottima similitudine et accompagno luogo, et tempo giudiciosamente perche l’uno senza l’altro essere non puo accommodato);


Other contents:
fols. 1r-137v: several poems in French, Spanish, and Italian (including poems by Florent Chrestien, Jean Passerat, Mellin de Saint-Gellais, Robert Estienne, Salomon Certon). For a detailed description, see Dorez 1899, II, 569-74 or;
fols. 349r-250v: some poems in Italian (including some sonnets by Ercole Pellicciari and ‘rime amorose alla Veneziana’). For a detailed description, see Dorez 1899, II, 574 or

Material Copy


Dorez 1899, II, 569-74; Iter, III, 323a