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Giovanni Cervoni da Colle sopra il sonetto del Petrarca Amor, fortuna & la mia mente schiua


Place of Publication


Date of Publication
Mode of exegesis
Related to Petrarch's

RVF 124


Accademia Fiorentina, Florence


Physical Description: Format

8o; A8-C4; 32, [8] p.

Physical Description: Textblock

paper; Petrarch’s poem and lecture in italic type; no printed numbering; single lines or small sections of Petrarch’s poems set on left, with prose text of lecture distributed across the page beneath each of them; title within architectural frame.

Visual Elements
Title Page

GIOVANNI | CERVONI DA COL- | LE SOPRA IL SONETTO | del Petrarca Amor, for- | tuna, & la mia mente | schiua, letto publi | camente nell’Ac | cademia Fio | rentina | [Medici’s coat of arms with a crown on top and the motto: ‘Inclita proles’] | IN FIRENZE. M D L.

Internal Description

A2r-A4r: Giovanni Cervoni’s dedicatory letter to Luigi Ardighelli (‘Al reverendiss[imo] monsignore s[ignor] Vicelegato di Perugia m[esser] Luigi Ardighelli Vescovo di Fossombrone suo osseruandissimo’);

A4v-A5v: preface to Cervoni’s academic lecture (‘Proemio’; <inc> Infra le perturbazioni, che affliggon’ l’animo humano; <exp> del uostro benignissimo giuditio, & della uostra cortesissima usanza);

A6r-C3r: Cervoni’s academic lecture on RVF 124 (<inc of lecture – after RVF 124> E (breuemente) il suggetto di questo sonetto; <exp> alla quale rendendo infinite gratie del suo grato comportamento, & scusatomi della mia insufficienza fò fine);

C3r: colophon: Stampato in firenze appresso lorenzo torrentino à di xxvi. di giugno m.d.l. Con privilegio.

Copy Seen


Biblioteca Braidense

25. 13.H. 0001
Copy seen by
Francesco Venturi,
Lorenzo Sacchini

The lecture focuses on the concept of ‘fortuna’ (‘fate’) through an analysis of the sonnet and references to other authors (including Aristotle, Dante, and Homer with some Greek quotations as well). RVF 124 is printed at fol. A6r. Other Petrarchan texts quoted include: RVF 347 (A8v); RVF 21 (C1v); RVF 268 (C2v); RVF 265; and RVF 278 (C2v).